While the current health crisis has temporarily altered the way we do business, the Highland Park Chamber’s commitment to the advancement of the Highland Park area remains as strong as ever. The Chamber team will continue serving the needs and advocating for the interests of the business community by working remotely at this time.
The Highland Park Chamber of Commerce has created this page as business resource hub for the Highland Park area. We have gathered information from trusted sources to share business resources and relief, and community and health information that is accurate and unbiased in a timely manner.
We want to remind everyone that the Chamber of Commerce is not a health official or government organization. We will update this page as information becomes available.
We are a resilient community with a shared dream of prosperity for all. We are Stronger Together.
'Ask the Experts' - Virtual Panel Discussions
The Highland Park Chamber is dedicated to providing the tools that our businesses need to navigate the road to recovery.
Even though we may not have the opportunity to gather together and meet in person, it is still so important to stay connected. That's why we will continue to host virtual meetings where we connect through video to share ideas, encouragement, and allow various panels of "experts" to discuss topics that may be of help for our local community and it's businesses.
"Introduction to Video Marketing"
Part 2 - Youtube
"Introduction to Video Marketing"
Part 1 - Using Facebook & Instagram for Business
"Phase 4 Reopening - What It Means for Business and
Overview of the BIG program."
Business Resources
State Level
I.D.E.S | Illinois Department of Employment Security unemployment insurance
Unemployment insurance is a state-operated insurance program designed to partially replace lost wages when you are out of work.
State of Illinois | Coronavirus monitoring
U.S. Chamber of Commerce | Resilience in a Box
A collection of resources based on best practices and designed to educate business leaders on disaster preparedness and business resilience. Focus on small businesses
U.S. Chamber of Commerce | Small Business Resources for Surviving Coronavirus
U.S. Department of Labor | Worker's Rights and Employer's Responsibilities
US Department of Labor OSHA standards and preparing your workplace for covid-19 safety
SBA | Guidance for Businesses and Employers
Comprehensive information regarding disaster loans, local assistance, planning, and SBA products and resources
Financial Resources
U.S Treasury Department | CARES ACT
The CARES Act provides fast and direct economic assistance for American workers and families, small businesses, and preserves jobs for American industries.
U.S. Chamber of Commerce | Emergency Loan Small Business Guide & Checklist
Concise CARES Act guide & checklist answers questions on eligibility, what lenders look for, and how much can be borrowed.
Payroll Protection Program (PPP insurance) Application
Borrower application to file for the Paycheck Protection Program loan. Please confer with your lender for required documents necessary for processing.
Payroll Protection Program | Borrower FAQs (Provided by the Treasury Department)
An impact investment loan program under which the IL State Treasurer would make up to $250 million in deposits available to financial institutions throughout the state, at near-zero rates, to assist Illinois small business and non-profits negatively affected by the COVID-19 pandemic.
Legal Info For Employers
Click on the image below for a comprehensive and regularly updated resource pages of legal information for employers regarding COVID-19, assembled by Fisher Phillips.
Remote Working Tools
Some available remote working tools and IT providers to help you continue working efficiently from home. These resources are being updated continually.
Please share any updates or requests for inclusion via email.
Safe Haven IT
847.338.1874 mobile | 847.594.3209 phone | 847.557.1306 fax | www.safehavenit.com
Provides remote assistance to insure that your business network and employees are up and running and working remotely. They also offer different resources and solutions for accessing business networks remotely.
224-770-0070 (calls only)| 224-770-1707 | (calls, texts, FaceTime) | info@macnician.com
Macnician is open for pickups and drop-offs at their Highland Park location. They also offer remote, phone, and FaceTime Support for all Apple products.
List of Free Software and Computer Services
To assist a new wave of remote workers and get some publicity at the same time, many software developers and service providers have started to offer free licenses or enhanced versions of their software and services.
Grow With Google | Remote Work Hub
Resources and free tools and tips to help you or your teams work smoothly, even while working remotely or from home
Overview and Monitoring
City of Highland Park | Updates
City’s response and community efforts related to the COVID-19 situation.
To receive the City’s E-news sign up at cityhp@cityhpil.com
IL Dept. of Public Health | Preventing Disease Spread
Guidance for preventing COVID-19 spread in communities, with actions that individuals, businesses, organizations and government agencies can take.
All questions regarding health and wellness related to COVID-19 should be directed to the Illinois Department of Public Health’s hotline at 800.889.3931 or dph.sick@illinois.gov.